Growth mindset. Everybody’s always talking about developing it. But what does that actually mean? When I first had the concept of growth mindset explained to me, I was baffled. I thought ‘I already have a growth mindset. Why do I need to develop...
Let’s discuss the importance of storytelling. Have you noticed how you are drawn to someone when they tell a good real-life story? You are all ears and smiles and can’t wait to hear more exciting experiences and stories from them. Or how people around you...
How to develop a growth mindset? Our beliefs play a pivotal role in what you want and whether you achieve it – in life and business. And that is why having a growth mindset is so important. Having a growth mindset is the belief that you are in control of your ability,...
How To Price Your Services? – Answering this question is important Setting up proper prices for your services is one of the most crucial elements of starting your business. It is a part that can either make or break your business. Let’s find out “How...
Getting your first customers when just starting with your business can feel overwhelming and scary. And no matter what business you are starting, there is that burning question inside one’s head: “How to find your first customers? How will I start making money?”...