Social Media Traffic Hacks For Maximum Lead Generation

by | Apr 4, 2022 | 0 comments

Social media traffic

I’m sure you have all heard of the term social media traffic but what exactly defines that? How do you actually get traffic on social media?

Let’s start by analyzing what social media traffic is and then we’ll go through the ways of using social media to drive website traffic. 

Social media traffic refers to traffic coming to your website, mobile site or mobile app from social networks and social media platforms. For example, a person who clicks on a tweet or a Facebook post and then arrives on your brand’s website will be counted in your digital analytics reports as social traffic. Social traffic may be either paid or organic traffic, depending on if it comes from your marketing campaigns on social media platforms.

Attraction Marketing

I’m sure that not a  lot of you are familiar with the term and are now wondering what this means and what it has to do with social media traffic.

Attraction marketing is a technique that shows your customers what you are doing and how they benefit from your product/service  before  purchasing. Its fundamental principle is to show customers the desirability of the product you are selling. You do not sell them the product but you just let them see how good it is. The customer now realizes that they want to purchase it and asks you where they could get it, simply because they are ready to buy it.

Some things to be aware of in attraction marketing are:

  • Understand your audience!  Uncover  their  challenges,  problems and pains.  
  • Create  valuable  content  adjusted to their  problems!  They will begin to see you as a  leader.  
  • Serve your audience  daily!  The more they see you, the sooner they will build trust.  
  • Stop  thinking  about  sales!  The more you think about, the less it works  out. 

What is the customer journey?

A customer journey is a story about understanding your users, how they behave while they visit your website, and what you can do to improve their trip, so they keep coming back.

Nowadays all we seem to hear in B2B and B2C is keeping companies relevant with great content using SEO, but in the process, many executives forget the essential part of the equation. The customer.

When you document “the customer journey,” you are mapping out different behavioral scenarios using existing data.

Creating a customer journey template may seem like a crazy idea. After all, how can you know what a customer will do once they enter your website?

Believe it or not, this is an easy-to-use marketing tool anyone can create, and it can be invaluable to your organization’s future strategy.

You can look at the picture below so you can get a better view of what the customer journey involves.

Social media traffic hacks- customer journey

How to build your audience in Facebook

We talked about the customer journey and the social media traffic and now it’s time to talk about building your audience. It doesn’t happen overnight that you become a recognized name in the industry. But by following these tips, you can set some foundries on increasing the traffic and getting a portion of your market’s or niche’s attention.

But, before you do anything, think about the market you want to enter and your own skills and abilities. Remember that every niche requires a different approach and you can use different platforms and software to find your audience and grow your fan base.

On Facebook, one way you can do this is by creating a product and then finding customers to sell it to. Or you can flip that model on its head and build an audience first. When you build an audience, you build relationships that allow you to learn about your audience and create products you know they’ll love.

A few ways to do so are:

  • Use the Friends through target-oriented groups method  
  • Use the Search  Button to look for persons in your niche  
  • Use the ’You may know function’ to find suitable profiles  
  • Add people from someone else ́s posts which are business-related in your niche

How to connect with potential clients in Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are communities of people who come together virtually to connect over a common topic. And there are TONS of Facebook groups for businesses, online entrepreneurs, digital marketers, content creators, VA, bloggers, and more. 

Facebook Groups are a great way to find, connect, and build trust with your ideal clients. If you aren’t currently leveraging Facebook groups (or under-utilizing them) to grow your business then don’t worry because we’ll show you just how to do so. In case you do not know, What’s a Facebook Group and how do I join to market my business?

In addition, actively participating in Facebook groups can easily position you and your business as the go-to expert in your industry, and help you create strong long-term connections that turn into leads and clients.

Connect with potential customers in Facebook Groups

Use social media groups to build actual relationships. Don’t go to a forum, post and leave, and expect people to magically engage with your content even though they don’t know you! Social media is all about connection.

When building relationships in groups, make sure to follow these steps:

  • Choose groups where your ideal clients are active
  • Introduce yourself so they know who you are and how you can help them
  • Give value to them by engaging in conversations and posting insightful content
  • Showcase your expertise by answering people’s questions and giving helpful advice
  • Use  ’Promo  Days’  in  other  groups of your niche to promote your business
  • Engage as a person – be yourself so that people will relate to you as a person

Maintain relationships with your customers and offer them the best experience 

We talked about building your audience but what are some ways to maintain the relationship with them? It’s not just building the audience but also maintaining a relationship with them.

Sometimes in business, we can be so preoccupied with chasing down new customers and offering them sparkling deals to attract them, that we neglect the loyal customers we already have.

In fact, looking after customer relations is vital to building your business. If people are happy with your service, not only will they come back for more, but they have the capacity to become advocates for your brand, bringing more customers through your door without you having to do any of the hard work. Simple, right?

Creating a relationship with both new and potential customers allows businesses to offer a more personalized and enticing customer experience. In a recent study, 86% of customers claim their experiences are just as important as the actual product or service they purchase. So all well and good so far, but how can you actually maintain the relationship? What steps do you need to take in order to do so?

Well here are a few ideas:

  • Send  every new friend a message  
  • Introduce yourself, and thank you for  connecting  
  • Show  Interest  
  • Resolve problems quickly and efficiently
  • Like  their  profile  pictures  
  • Engage on their  wall  
  • Check  every day the birthdays and send wishes
  • Give before you ask 
  • Be generous – help others 
  • Listen to your customers

What is cold messaging and how can you make use of it to drive social media traffic

Let’s be honest. As much as social media has made it “easier” for us to connect, we are faced with fewer and fewer chances to make a good first impression in the cyber world. When cold messaging, the very first thing you say must deliver value and be a warm-up for why the receiver should care to hear you out

Social media traffic hacks- cold messaging

Cold messaging is an effective way to grow your business. The idea of cold messaging is reaching out to people to enter into the conversation about your business instead of waiting on them to bring it up to you. Many marketers who spend time sending out cold messages agree that each message should have certain traits for a response such as:

  • Short and simple
  • Be Specific: make the subject lines and headers easy to understand
  • A narrow target audience
  • Don’t be too sales-y 
  • Fosters connections
  • Be Concise: Focus on Being Interested, Not Interesting
  • Offer something for free 

Provide Value by Answering Questions

Have you ever had a question and searched social media for answers? When your question gets answered, you’ll get back to the page you visited in order to see what it is about. You would also follow this page in case any further questions appear in the future. Answering questions is a great way to build relationships and engagement. I’ll also share some tips to follow in order to make sure this attention is not being wasted.

That means that when you share content, make sure that it’s related to what you do in your business so that people know exactly what you help them with.

That includes:

  • Reaching out and answering questions related to your area of expertise.
  • Searching for keywords related to what you do so that you can be focused.
  • In the content you’re sharing, make sure that it showcases your expertise on your topic.

Share your offer with your customers

By now, you’ve delivered value inside one or more online groups. People know, like, and trust you to some degree. That means you should have built up the “social capital” to be able to offer to help members of this audience, for free.

Give them a quick win for free to resolve their challenge. The easiest way to share your offer and get your first paying clients is by helping them with a quick win. 

Solving customer problem

Some ways to do that which we’ll talk about are:

1. Solve ONE quick problem

Make sure to solve just one quick problem. However please be aware that you need to solve a big enough problem to show that you can help get results.

At the same time though, you don’t want to solve so many of the problems that they think they don’t need any more help. Think about these as “quick wins,” not the entire solution

2. Offer Free Strategy call

At the beginning of the free call, you’ll let them know that you can help them solve this particular problem but also if they are interested in receiving more help, that you can let them know how you can assist       them more at the end of the call. A simple and effective example is something like this:

 “Hey, I’m going to help you do this, and show you what more is possible for you. If you’re interested in getting my help to do more, we’ll talk at the end of this session about how I can help you more, alright?”

Wrapping up the call

After you delivered the free guidance that you promised, the next step is wrapping up the call. It is important to receive feedback from the customer. Ask them if they feel that they received value from this call and what they got out of it. Be sure to repeat what their goals are and let them know that you would love to help more if they are interested. 

After that, you should let them know about the ways you can do that.

So to summarize ask these questions:

    • Do you feel that you got a lot of value out of this call and if so what did you get out of it? 
    • I know your goals are “insert their goals here” and considering how much we accomplished in just 30 minutes, I would love to help you more. 
    • Would you like to hear about how we could do that?” 
    • If they said yes, I would then share my one-on-one offer.

3. Promote paid offers in other groups

Cross promoting your services in other related groups is a great way to grow your clients quickly. However, you also want to be mindful of each group’s rules about self-promotion. Many groups don’t allow you to just drop in, make a post about your own group, and leave. It’s disrespectful, so make sure that you’re not just spamming these groups with your link.

Some groups have strict rules about promoting yourself and say that you can’t just make a post on the group page, but instead can only post as a comment in a weekly promotion thread, like “Promo Fridays.”

Why creating a Facebook Group can help you 

I am pretty sure that you created a Facebook Business Page so that you could easily spread the word on what you are creating and doing with your online business. You most likely imagined yourself opening Facebook every morning (or at any time of the day) and admiring all the likes and comments on all of the beautiful and inspiring posts that you created. But that did not happen. You open the Facebook page and you see nothing. No reactions, no comments, nothing. So now you wonder “what did I do wrong?”

Apart from your FB page, you should also have a FB group because creating a Facebook Group is the key to building an engaged community of raving fans. You can leverage the Facebook-focused group to gather entrepreneurs that build online businesses for several reasons. 

Some common ones for businesses include networking purposes, building customer relationships, and developing brand ambassadors, or as a support hub to help customers in need. You could also announce your offers down the road. 

Creating this group gives you a highly targeted audience to present the offer to when that time comes.  In the meantime, be focused on creating a value-packed community. Without that element, nobody will be interested in the offer.

Why Facebook Group can help you

Now it’s time to talk about the two things to do on your Facebook group:

1. Launch a Free Challenge

Within your Facebook group, you can create a live five-day challenge.

At the end of each day, the participants should complete tasks for each of the daily challenges. The tasks should be simple and fun, in order to make participation easy. 

You can also use a points system where participants get a set number of points for completing each day’s task. This can provide further motivation to complete all five days of the challenge.

2. Promote Paid Offer

At the end of the challenge, announce the link to your sales page and make it available for purchase for two weeks. During those two weeks, show up in all of your groups, promoting the course. Some ideas to do so are welcoming the people who just enrolled in the course and also sharing why they joined. Another way to do so is by inviting members to your Facebook group who are a good fit and have questions about your offer. You should also provide free calls to answer these questions and at the same time discuss if the offer might be a good fit for them or not

Crush It

Now that we talked about the ways to actually get social media traffic, it’s time to talk about the things you can do in order to maintain this traffic. Because it’s one thing gaining traffic and another keeping the traffic on high levels. If you’re not consistent with your actions or you fail to engage with your audience, then soon your audience will start to lose interest.
We’ll be talking about some ways to actually “Crush it”

1. Be Consistent

Show up in Facebook groups multiple times per day to give value, answer questions, and when appropriate, offer paid coaching and advertising.

Being consistent will keep you on top of the minds of your potential clients. 

Oftentimes people request calls because they saw the Facebook posts and wanted to know more about it. It is because they thought of you as someone who “knows your stuff” and can offer help that they scheduled the call. 

2. Over-deliver

During your free challenge and paid course show up in your Facebook group daily and answer every question. 

Give private email support to your students or clients and personally respond to every email. Because of the amount of support you give, your students and clients will get amazing results and will love the experience.

3. Upsell

Two weeks before the end of the course, start reaching out and schedule 1-on-1 calls to talk about what results they’d gotten from the course and what was next for them. On these calls ask them if they were happy with the results they’d gotten from the course and what they wanted next. 

And for the people that need or want more, offer them your higher-paid service or more comprehensive course. This way you don’t need to use any fancy sales strategies or do a “hard-sell”.  Instead, you can rely on the relationships and trust you build with your students over the past few weeks.

Social Media is a brilliant marketing tool, there is no doubt about it. The number of businesses that actively use social media platforms like Facebook continues to increase by millions of years after year. However, every social media has its challenges.

The influx of published content has led to a downward spiral in organic reach, and the competition for news feed space is fierce.

If you follow this guide, you’ll know some hacks in order to get more organic social media traffic and increase leads. I hope this guide was useful to you and I hope you gained some knowledge on how to increase social media traffic.

I am curious though, what are your thoughts on this guide? Did you find it helpful? Were there some things that you were aware of? And if so, did you know the ways to implement them? I would love to hear your thoughts and if you have anything more to add.

Let me know in the comments below or you can always reach out to me directly and I will be more than happy to help you out. Click here to get in touch.

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