One of the biggest challenges that bloggers and content marketers face is writing content that’s optimized for search engines, yet also appealing to people. Should you want to build your blog audience, you’re going to have to get smarter with your content. The way to...
We have all heard how important it is to use the right keywords in order for your audience to find you. We also know how one keyword can make a huge difference. All this is true, but how can you do keyword research? In this topic, we will discuss how to get inside the...
What is the Business Model Canvas? If you are just starting out your business, you are probably thinking about writing a business plan, and if you are anything like me, you are probably terrified of this process. The truth is that most people hate writing business...
Do you have a great business idea that you want to turn into a profitable business? But really don’t know where to start? Don’t worry! You are not alone! I know it can be overwhelming to even think about all of the activities that need to happen to get your business...
Getting your first customers when just starting with your business can feel overwhelming and scary. And no matter what business you are starting, there is that burning question inside one’s head: “How to find your first customers? How will I start making money?”...
Are you planning to launch a business but you have the fear of where and how to start? Having a doubt with yourself if you can make it or not? Many business people delay their company idea because they believe that they have to be perfect in building their website and...