Sending out sales offers can be a draining experience. It’s even worse if you don’t see the results you want from it. The problem is that these business owners are sending out sales offers without doing the required research on their audience. This blog...
Nurturing Campaigns. A new client can make or break your business. But how do you go about building long-lasting relationships with them? You need to nurture them and then convert them into a sale. This is where email nurturing campaigns come into place. They help you...
Lead Scoring. The ability to track a lead is crucial for business owners who want to convert them into customers. The thing is, you can’t score a lead with just any tool, you need a sophisticated and intuitive tool for that. In this blog, we will look at what...
Sales pipeline is a supply chain which has stages. It helps you in forecasting, forecasting development and forecasting sales. In this blog, you will learn what a sales pipeline is, the stages in the sales pipeline, why a sales pipeline is important to any business...
Converting Clients. A lot of small and medium businesses think that consultancy is the one-and-only way to convert clients. Let me rephrase that: a lot of small and medium businesses think that trying to sell their services to prospective clients is the best way to...
Contact Requests via email automation. An email contact request is a golden opportunity to get a potential client to convert. These emails are often missed because either the sender of the email is ignored or the recipient does not make the time to follow up the email...